Bio – CV.


mapie des vignes, a textile eco-artist, lives and works in Toulouse and elsewhere. She was born in 1964.
After a life as a fashion and textile designer, she stopped her boutique-workshop in 2014 to devote herself to her artistic practice and position herself as a textile eco-artist. Using the plant imprint technique, she develops poetic and sensitive work in harmony with the natural world in which she lives. Her approach is one of deep ecology, seeking to bring about an ethical and spiritual shift in the relationship between human and nature.

She regularly exhibits in cultural venues in rural areas, as well as in galleries and heritage sites, and runs a number of workshops with different audiences. Since her first group show at the Moulin des arts in Saint-Rémy, she has exhibited at the Espace Canopé (Toulouse, 2017), the Château de Lacaze (2020), the Open Space gallery in Sète (2020) and the cultural space Les Coucarils (Carla Bayle, 2022).




to come Sept.Déc.2024 : Traces (with Vanessa Boudet) – Baz’art – 82140 Saint Antonin Noble Val – France
to come Sept. 2024 : Une autre histoire (solo exhibition) – Médiathèque – 87350 Panazol – France.

August 2022 : Matières Textiles (group exhibition) – Espace culturel Les Coucarils – 09130 Carla Bayle – France.
August 2020 : Subtiles Affinités (with Frédérique Lesschaeve) Galerie Open Space – 34200 Sète – France.
July 2019 : Fantasmagorie (solo exhibition) – Patmos aktis*****Suite&Spa – Gricou Bay – Patmos – Greece.
Déc.Jan. 2018 : Shirin Yoku : bain de forêt (with Helena Sellergren) – Atelier Galerie des Bains Douches – 09700 Saverdun – France.
Jul.Sept. 2017 : Shirin Yoku : bain de forêt (with Helena Sellergren) – Parc aux Bambous – 09500 Lapenne – France.
Jan.Febr. 2017 : Shirin Yoku : bain de forêt (with Helena Sellergren and Philippe Cadu) – Canopé – 31000 Toulouse – France.
March 2016 : Entre Art et Métiers d’Art (with A. Duplan, Z. Montagu, V. Tanfin) – Le Moulin des Arts – 12200 Saint Rémy – France.
April 2014 : A Mains Croisées (with F. Lesschaeve et J. Lestrade) – Centre Culturel Théâtre des Mazades – 31200 Toulouse – France.



Oct.Nov.Dec. 2023: “Research and creation” residency – Moulin du Got Saint Léonard de Noblat – DRAC Aquitaine – France.



Since 2016 : Atelier “Vert Soi” – reconnecting with oneself and nature through plant imprints on paper and fabric – all public.
April 2017 : 1 day  workshop on colour and pattern – all public.
2014-2017 : Monthly applied arts workshop for adults– Centre Culturel Bellegarde –
Toulouse – France.
2014-2017 : Educational project – Lycée professionnel de Mazamet (15H d’atelier d’arts
appliqués avec les lycéens bac pro mode) as part of “pénélopée-matière
à mémoire”- projet pédagogique et culturel auprès des lycées et post bac.
2008-2009 : Project “Lauragais dans les arts” – 15H d’atelier arts plastiques en CM2.
2007-2008 : Project “Lauragais dans les arts” – 15H d’atelier arts plastiques en maternelle.



teaching – support for students – artistic direction

2020-2021 : Colour course – licence 1 Design – Université de Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès.
2018 : BTS Graphic Design professional project – Lycée des Arènes – Toulouse.
depuis 2014 : Textile design Workshop  – licence 3 Design – Université de Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès.
2004-2014 : Textile option – licence 1-2-3 Design – Université de Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès.
2014 : Textile design/graphic design/circus workshop – Université de Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès. [10 circus students from Spain]
2012 : Cross-disciplinary project “Phare Night” Université de Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès. [14 design, circus, dance, music and theatre students – show presented at the Festival d’Avignon IN].
Mars 2010 : Textile design Workshop  ” Petit Prélude Textile à Chopin” – Palma de Majorque – Spain. [18 students from 5 European universities and schools over 6 days].
2007 : Textile design Workshop “Dandysme” as part of the “design en réseau” project – Lycée professionnel de Gourdon – France.

textile créations

2010-2014 : Foundation and management of the Boutique-Atelier/Tearoom/Textile Art Gallery mapie des vignes – Toulouse – France.
1999-2006 : Foundation and management of the Boutique-Atelier mapie des vignes – Toulouse –
1996-1998 : Modèlisme et patronnage c/o Atelier Création agnès b. – Paris – France
1995 : Stylisme c/o studio R-Zoom fashion by Ereks – Istanbul – Turquie.
Modélisme et patronnage c/o Atelier Modèlisme Création Geneviève Danguis – Paris – France.



1994 : Stylisme, modèlisme et design textile – Paris American Academy – Paris – France.
1990 : DEA de Sociologie (imaginaire et représentation) – Université Le Mirail – Toulouse – France.