mapie des vignes, éco-artiste plasticienne textile

Etre ce qui est

to be what is.

Life is beautiful for those who know how to look at it
from the heart…
And it is a constant attention to be (finally) what is.


The more I go foward in life, the more I wonder about the position I would like to hold in society. A society that I wish would be more… loving.

This way of consuming no longer suits me. It seems to me that our stocks are full to the brim.
Manufacturing to manufacture is no longer the way I want to follow.

During my years trading,I have given a distinctive place to human kind and nature.
It is for these reasons that I worked on demand and used natural materials in my boutique-workshop in Toulouse. I did not have the opportunity to follow an environmentally friendly ethic as much as
I would have liked to (green materials and dyes), but I have always worked in that direction.

I discovered India Flint * and botanical imprint in 2012 and can perfectly relate with the way she works.

Botanical imprint engages with times of nature … seasons, life of nature and its rhythm, poetry, surprise, elements, …
I am happy for this encounter with elements, this poetry, the surprise and joy that this process brings.
For me, reconnection to nature is essential.

We have to rebuild these weakened ties after so many years of excessive industrialisation. I do not oppose all the progress achieved, but I do believe it is time to become more human.

I practice this botanical imprint technique with awareness.
I connect with nature, I am thankful for the energy it transmits to the fabrics I use.
And it is time for me to expose these works so that they reach more people.

We are all connected and everything is consciousness.

*magazine BLOOM n ° 20 : « tinctorial » – exhibition Espace Ecureuil in Toulouse – France
workshop avec Fabienne Rey-Dorsman.
workshops with India Flint in 2018 and 2019



© 2025 mapie des vignes, éco-artiste plasticienne textile

Theme by Anders Norén