mapie des vignes, éco-artiste plasticienne textile

Etre ce qui est

SHIRIN-YOKU bain de forêt.

SHINRIN-YOKU forest bath

With Helena Sellergren.

The exhibition has been realized for the Ingres Gallery of Canopé (crdp-Toulouse)

“Take a ” SHINRIN-YOKU ” : you like walking slowly in the woods, feeling the freshness of the air, watching the leaves turn orange, listening to the branches cracking under your feet…You do shinrin-yoku without knowing it. »

Nature speaks to us, soothes us and resources us …

We have imagined this exhibition as a place where everyone can recharge their batteries with the beauty and poetry of the organic forms left by the technique of “botanical imprint”.

photographs of Philippe Cadu’s exhibition.

© 2025 mapie des vignes, éco-artiste plasticienne textile

Theme by Anders Norén